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Cerpen tugas softskil Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Mitha Suciana p 
NPM : 16214682
Kelas : 1EA33

"The Demon"

Once apon a time, Serenity Darkmoon Raven felt really depressed one day. She had just found out that she was adopted. Her real parents turned out to be nobels from europe. They had a upper class mansion and were mighty rich! But she had none of that richness around. It made her feel pretty bad about herself so she listened to some good music.

But long she did not have to be depressed as ciel came in and held her hand. And he said "I love you so much, it hurts. What is wrong with you? If you feel bad then I feel bad."
So serenity told him the whole story. He was shocked to hear this and said "I'm really shocked to hear this! Your parents are monsters!"
"Which ones?"
"All four of them, I don't like them. As much as I don't like lizzy!"
And that was a lot because serenity knew that ciel hated lizzy because she was unbelievably stupid and annoying.
But ciel took out a letter "this had just arrived" said ciel.
Serenity openend the envolupe and inside was an invitation

"Most Esteemed Serenity Darkmoon Ravensaid" said the message
"You are condord invited to the royal ball of your parents. Your real parents, miss."
"We hope to see you soon. Most esteamly yours, dutchess!"

Oh my, said serenity this is rad! But ciel was a little sceptic "maybe it's a trick."
"Why?" said Serenity
"Because there are.... rumours. Of ash still being around!"
"Surely he could not come all the way to europe!?" said serenity confidently because she didn't think that ashcould travel that far.
"Humh," said ciel contagiously, "we just have to be careful."
"Hold on," exlciamed serenity, there is something else in the invitation!

"Princess Serenity Darkmoon Raven, hereby we also bestow upon you the keys to the cage of a horse your parents have provided you with. Also, whenever you hold this key in your hand, your powers are increased"

Serenity was really happy with that but also felt a little bad for ciel. After they had a relationship, ciel had taught her his Shadow and she picked it up really well! She was now even better at ciel at the shadow demon!
So they went and picked up the horse. It was really quick and agile, they like it really enjoyed! It took a moment but with enough training and perversion, Serenity trained it to her will! Now they could go and visit their parents

But little did they know that the invitation was not from serenity's european nobel parents, but from lizzy instead! And she had teamed up with ash
'But then, it turned out ciel's lover had been secretly sleeping with ash.
'The pain, the incredibly agonizing suffering he felt going through his heart, down his spine, into his collon and leaving his body through his anus once more.He was going to take revenge, on both of them, on everyone.

He grabbed his Machinegun, his Machette and his Dessert eagle with M6 like ammo loaded. And of course, his trusty rocket launcher.
There he went, onto the streets, scaring everyone in sight. Everyone knew, he was out to take revenge.
The cops hide, so did the thieves and the beggers and the laddies, until there wasn`t a single living being on the steet.
He went into his flying Plane, and forced his pilot at gunpoint to fly him to the base ash. There he would take his revenge.
The base of ash was crowded with goons, all baring heavy arms and chainsaws. And those that didn`t have weapons, had big twin machetties and double egged katana's.
As he flew closer ciel grabbed his semi-automatic rocket, pointed and fired at a group of thugs who were outside for a smoke.
"Shoulda dodged that," he said manly.
"And ciel met ash and he said "ohmygosh you look big and scary" ash laughed.
"I came here to kill you, but now I know I cant. I I..your going to kill me aren’t you?"
"No, why should I? Your a demon like me. Look deep into your heart you know it to be true.
Ciel looked deep into his soul, and saw the truth. He was one. He was on the wrong side all along.

He left who he wrongly thought were his friends , and joined his true family. And so they lived happly ever after as demons

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Sweetie Pie Copyright 2013. Editado por: Roberta. Créditos dos recursos utilizados em: Reino Kawaii.