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Softskill Bahasa Inggris | 1EA33

Mitha Suciana P

A.      Pengertian Determiners

Determiners adalah salah satu bagian dari part of speech yang digunakan untuk menetukan macam-macam satu atau group dari kata benda (noun) dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Fungsi Determiners untuk memperjelas sesuatu yang sedang kita bicarakan menjadi lebih jelas.

Determiners berbeda dengan pronouns, karena determiners selalu diikuti oleh kata benda (noun). Baik Personal Pronoun (I, you, they, we, he, she, it) dan Possesive Pronouns (mine, yours, theirs, ours, his, hers, its) keduanya bukan merupakan determiners.

B.      Macam-macam dan Contoh Kalimat Determiners

Yang termasuk dalam determiners adalah:
1.       Articles: a/ an/ the
2.       Demonstrative Pronouns: this/ that, these/ those
3.       Possessive Adjectives: my/ your/ their/ our/ his/ her/ its

Dalam tatanan Bahasa Inggris (English Grammar), determiners adalah quantifiers. Berikut adalah macam-macam dari quantifiers :
a few
a little
a lot

Contoh :

a.       I’m a new mathematics teacher in this school.
→ Salah satu fungsi determiner yang paling besar adalah memperjelas keberadaan suatu kata benda. Misalnya ada sebuah kalimat : I’m a new mathematics teacher in school. Tanpa determiner, maka tidak ada kejelasan di sekolah mana ia menjadi guru. Namun, jika ia menambahkan I’m a new mathematics in this school. Maka jelas bahwa ia menjadi guru di sekolah ini.

b.    Angka-angka yang ada dalam kalimat bahasa inggris di atas merupakan determiners. Seperti yang kita ketahui berdasarkan artinya, angka tersebut menerangkan akan jumlah/ kuantitas benda yang sedang kita bicarakan

C. Article

A, an, the (articles) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk membatasi pengertian dari noun (kata benda). Article atau kata sandang, terbagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu : definite dan indefinite. Adapula zero article yang berarti tanpa kata sandang.

Definite Article
-The merupakan kata sandang yang digunakan pada definite article.
-The digunakan pada hal yang spesifik (telah jelas ataupun telah diterangkan sebelumnya meliputi: person (orang), thing (benda), maupun idea (pemikiran).
-Kata ini digunakan sebelum countable noun (kata benda dapat dihitung) maupun uncountable noun (kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung).

Indefinite Article
-A atau an digunakan pada indefinite articles.
-Kata sandang ini digunakan pada hal yang tidak spesifik atau belum pernah diterangkan sebelumnya, meliputi: person (orang), thing (benda), maupun idea(pemikiran).
- Kata ini hanya digunakan sebelum singular countable noun (kata benda dapat dihitung tunggal).

Contoh Kalimat Article :
She lives in a house > House pada kalimat ini hanya merupakan rumah yang umum, bukan rumah spesifik. (indefinite article)
She lives in the house > bermakna spesifik. The house disini menunjukkan rumah yang dimaksud (definite article)


Selly made her way down the street to her pet store. She wanted to get a kitten today. Her mom didn’t think it would be a good idea but she wanted to show her wrong. Selly walked through the red light and into the pet shop, which was also a vet clinic. It was run by one of the guys at school’s uncle. She walked in and saw a little playpen of puppies and then another opposite of it was with kittens in it. She ran over there holding her bag so it didn’t flop on your hip. Selly kneeled on the floor low enough to hang her arm over the fence to pet the kittens.
Selly saw six different kittens in the pen; two golden lion cats who slept next to each other, three tabby kittens one with white on the paws and chest, stomach and lower face. Its siblings look similar; one had black paws and body except lower jaw and then the last one had a brown/grey mixture and a white lower jaw. And lastly this white kitten that looked like a baby white tiger, because it had strips on the back that were a little darker white and it had a darker patch between the ears. The white one came toward her hand sniffing it and then he bit it. Selly squeaked when the kitten did, it scared her a little.
“I see you’re interested in Arctic.” A male voice produced behind her, she slowly turned around on her knees seeing a hot guy standing behind her.
“Yeah he’s cute.” selly told him and turned back to the killed cat biting her fingers. The guy reached over in the pen and pulled him out.
 “Here you go.” He smiled at her. His snake bites moving when he did. He reached up and fixed his hair moving it to one side. He handed the kitten over to her and she held him. He started to climb all over selly’s shoulder and he lightly bit her ear. The boy took him off her shoulder and held him in his palm.
“Would you like to come and see the collars?” she smiled and nodded her head. she guess she is going to buy this kitten.
“So you can go with blue one or the black one.” He pointed to the two collars. The blue one matched Arctic’s eyes so she went with that one. And then the guy put the kitten down grabbed a few different toys and put them in a horizontal line in front of the kitten. Then Arctic attacked the small bunny in front of him biting it and making the baby growling noises. “Awh!” selly jumped and pulled on the bunny, pulling Arctic up with him.
“Can I buy him?” she asked holding the kitten.
“Sure!” He cheered, “You can buy him right now.” He ran across the store to the counter and slid across it trying to be cool. He landed on his feet and spun to the counter and grabbed something under the top and pulled out a pack off papers. Selly jumped up on the counter and threw them in her lap reading about the instructions of how to take care of a cat and the shots she needs to get right after buying it and the how background of the cat. She gave the guy Arctic and he set him up with the collar and gave him a checkup. She didn’t really care she knew what she had to do so she quickly threw the packet to the end page where she had to sign and she did and she gave the kid $300 dollars. she was about to leave when he called out, “Hey, wait love, I never got your name.” He smirked at her as he leaned on the counter table on his elbow. “selly, you?” she smiled back at him.
“Cute name.”
“Thanks yours too.” He paused, taking in a sharp breath, “Do you wanna stay here and play with Arctic?”
“Sure that sounds great.” she let go of the door and walked back around the counter she sat down and put Arctic down on the floor. “He’s a crazy kitten isn’t he?” Blake sat down next to her. “Yeah he is.” After away selly had to go home, she bid an adieu to Blake and walked Arctic home in her arms.
It’s been a couples days since she got Arctic. When she woke up he wasn’t there next to her. Selly ran around her house looking for him when she came to her bathroom she cried seeing her sister holding Arctic under water. selly pushed her out of the way sending her to the ground.
“YOU BITCH!” she screamed at her and ran to the pet store with a none breathing Arctic in her hands. “Blake!” she cried and he came running in from the back. “M‐my sister drowned him, he‐he’s not breathing!!” selly screamed over and over again. “Uncle!” Blake called back and took Arctic out of selly’s hands showing her to the back room to the vet checkup center. “Arctic was drowned please check him.” she begged the middle age man. “Blake surgery room.” she were thrown out of the surgery room and waited for something that means she could see her tiny kitten.
“He could be dead! He was just a small kitten barely born in the world and I killed him.” she cried into her hands. Selly felt something around her shoulders. She looked up to see Blake bending down next to her. “Is he going to be okay?”
“I don’t know, selly, I don’t know.”
“I killed him!” she screamed into her hands.
“You did nothing of the sort!” Blake said with some force. He grabbed her hands from her face and pulled them around his neck. “selly, you did not kill him.” His whispered against her forehead.
“But I did Blake.” she shook. “No, I don’t believe it, so tell me what happened.” He begged her. “I woke up and saw he wasn’t there and so I ran everywhere around my house until I reached the bathroom and saw my sister drowning him.” And selly couldn’t finish she broke down into a sob. She cuddled into Blake’s chest and cried. Selly noticed that she was still in her pajamas, hair all messed up and no make‐up on. But she didn’t care. Blake hushed her and rubbed her back as selly continued to cry into his chest. After about an hour or so Blake’s uncle came through the doors with a smile on his face. She jumped up off the floor and attacked him with questions.
“Relax miss, Arctic is fine I got him breathing again but he needs to stay here for a few days.” He commanded.
“Thank you, thank you so much!” she hugged him and went into the surgery room seeing Arctic hooked up to a heart machine and oxygen tank over his small muzzle. “Arctic, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry that I let anyone hurt you, I’ll get out of that house somehow.” she rubbed his head and kissed his paw closest to her. “You could always move in with me.” Blake scared the crap out of her, she didn’t know he was standing behind her. She didn’t even know he was in the room with her.
“I‐I couldn’t do that.”
“No really its fine selly I don’t want anyone to hurt Arctic either. And you have no other place to go.”
“Blake that’s really sweet of you but I couldn’t.”
“selly, no you are your bitchy sister hurt one of my cats.” she didn’t really care that he called her sister a bitch because she already knew she was. “Are you sure it’s okay?”
“Yes, for the last time selly I want you to move in.” He came up behind her and hugged her. “Thank you.” she hugged him back. Later that night selly and blake snuck into her room and grabbed all her stuff and she spent the rest of the night moving into Blake’s apartment. She shared a room with him and she used his dresser and closet. Moving that big, heavy stuff would be too hard she would have to go through the house instead of out the window. “Thank you again.” Selly told him for the millionth time.
“No problem.” Blake smiled at her and hugged her quickly before he left the room and hunted for something. “What are you looking for?” she asked as she followed him around the living room. “You’ll see.” He paused,
“Ah ha!” He cheered and stuck his hand under the couch. “Come here.” He whispered and something slowly walked out from under the couch. She saw a beautiful tabby speckle cat. “This is Princess.” He smiled and held her in his hands. “Hi pretty girl.” She walked forward rubbing her hand on her head. She meowed at her and licked her hand. “I’ve had her since she was a kitten when I was fifteen.”
“And how old are you now?”
“Wow, I didn’t think you were.” Selly was kind of shocked. “I know.” He frowned, I guess he gets that a lot. It has been three months since selly and Blake moved in together. And she has totally and completely has fallen for Blake. Arctic, made a full recovery and he and Princess has gotten it on since selly moved in with him. “Hey,selly, wanna pick a movie out to watch?” He popped out from around the corner of the kitchen.
“Sure.” she said and got up from the couch and threw in a random D.V.D from the case. “Ready?” Blake asked her and made his way next to her on the couch. She blushed when his skin came in contact with hers. “Yup.” She told him while popping the ‘p’.
“What movie?” He asked with a mouthful of popcorn, she reached up and removed some from the corner of his mouth. “I don’t know, I picked a random one.” She shrugged and took a slip of the soda they two were sharing. “Oh my god!” she squeaked, it was Friday the 13 th movie. “What?” He munched on the popcorn. “I hate this movie.” She muttered hiding her face in the pillow.
“Don’t worry I’m here for you.” He said putting the popcorn down lying across the couch, one knee was propped up against the couch and the other one laid flat around her. He was laying on his back and his upper shoulders and neck was lying against the arm of the couch. He whistled at you and she turned her head to look at him, he had his arms opened wide and selly crawled up into his chest, hiding her face when the scary parts came. He chuckled every time she did this. Tightly wrapping his arms around her, selly felt safe and nothing could be wrong. “selly?” He whispered into her hair.
“Yeah?” she played with her hair moving it out of her face when she looked up at him.
“Can I ask you something, and if we don’t agree please forget I asked you.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“Well, I kind of have big feelings for you.” He muttered under his breath and his cheeks turned red. “Blake,” she exhaled and smiled, “I kind of feel the same way towards you.” She mocked him on how he asked her out. “Really?” He looked at her.
“Be the air I breathe and be the reason I live?”
“Of course.” She smiled at him “I love you.” He whispered. “I love you too.” Then she felt something jump on her back and she turned to see Arctic and Princess laying on them. selly slid in between the couch and Blake and let Princess take her spot and Arctic come and sit on her side. “I love you.” Blake kissed her forehead and wrapped an arm around her. “I love you too.” She repeated again. And selly knew that her life will be good from here on out

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Sweetie Pie Copyright 2013. Editado por: Roberta. Créditos dos recursos utilizados em: Reino Kawaii.